Qualifications Framework level

EQF level

European Qualifications Framework (EQF) has 8 levels (1 – the lowest, 8 – the highest).

Levels reflect the complexity level of acquired knowledge, skills and competences (learning outcomes).

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LQF level

Latvian Qualifications Framework (LQF) has 8 levels (1 – the lowest, 8 – the highest).

Levels reflect the complexity level of acquired knowledge, skills and competences (learning outcomes).

LQF covers stages of education starting from the basic education (level 1 – special basic education) to the highest education (level 8 – doctoral studies).

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Learning outcomes

Learning outcomes are knowledge, skills and competences acquired during a certain period of learning.

In Latvia, learning outcomes are stipulated by state education standards and occupational standards (for the professional qualifications).

Learning outcomes of higher education are defined by higher education institutions.

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– to master methods of experimental research, theoretical research and basics of computer modelling of physical processes in the selected study field: physics of the hard matter and science of materials, laser physics, technology and spectroscopy, mechanics of the hard matter, theoretical physics, chemical physics, continuous environment physics, physical oceanography and coastal research, biomedical optics, astronomy and astrophysics, didactics of physics;
– to develop the Master’s thesis (20 credit points) – an independent research in the selected study field.

The goal of the Physics Master’s study programme is to provide the students with the knowledge about the following aspects:
– physics as a science direction (also about a particular physics’ sub-sector related to the chosen more narrow specialisation provided for by optional courses):
– content, methodology, development directions and facilities for application.

The optional (specialisation) courses ensure specialised theoretical and empirical knowledge in the corresponding sub-sector of physics.
The level of students’ knowledge is raised gradually by mastering the study courses according to a particular sequence.
The Physics Master’s study programme encompasses mastering both general and specialised themes of modern physics, developing the research, experimental, modelling as well as other general skills and proficiencies.

The tasks are formulated according to the goal and requirements of the Master’s programme:
– to provide the students with modern knowledge and proficiency in one of physics sub-sectors: solid state physics, materials’ science, astronomy and astrophysics, laser physics, technologies and spectroscopy, theoretical physics, chemical physics, physics’ didactics, physical oceanography and coastal research, mechanics of solid state, physics of continuous media, biomedical optics.
It is aimed at furthering a balanced development of physics and technology;
– to ensure scientific research work under the supervision of qualified academic personnel, and the obtained results along with the analysis aggregated in the Master’s thesis;
– to develop students’ research skills including capacity to search for the information (in books, scientific publications, communication with scientists), as well as communication skills, the capacity to present the obtained results;
– to develop students’ skills and capacities necessary to formulate and solve physical problems, using the necessary mathematical apparatus;
– to teach students to analyse the processes taking place in the sphere of physics and to choose appropriate methods of research, the students must learn to extract the essence from the aggregate of the physical processes,
– to segregate inconsequential factors and to apply the necessary approximations;
– to provide the necessary knowledge about application of the modern software packages in physical research;
– to introduce the students to the modern methods of physics’ measurements and the corresponding measuring instruments.
– ability to evaluate critically the level of obtained results’ credibility and compare them to other available analogic results (theoretically forecasted, published by other authors, etc.);
– capacity to state the results of one’s research demonstrated during the defence of the Master’s thesis;
– individual’s skills of working independently with study literature, scientific publications, ability of scientific communication, the set of skills necessary for drafting of a scientific publication;
– comprehension of the basic principles characteristic to innovative activity and opportunities to commercialise the knowledge within a particular sub-sector of physics;
– capability to carry out theoretical and / or applied research in various sub-sectors of physics related to the student’s specialisation in the framework of his/her chosen courses.


Qualification acquisition requirements

Previous education
Higher education qualification of LQF level 6 (academic or professional bachelor) in the same or compatible branch of science or professional field laid down by higher education Institution
Ways to acquire 
Qualifications can be acquired in the framework of education programs or in the evaluation and recognition of non-formal knowledge, skills and competences acquired (in vocational education LKI Levels 2-4).
Formal (through education programmes)
ECTS credit points 
The unit of the volume of Latvian higher education studies - 1 credit point corresponds to one week of study work in full-time studies (40 credit points per study year).

1 The credit point of Latvia corresponds to 1,5 ECTS (European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System) credit point.
Duration of study 
Duration of qualification in full-time studies
1-2 years

Qualification document

Awarding body

Higher education institution:


Qualifications Framework level

EQF level

European Qualifications Framework (EQF) has 8 levels (1 – the lowest, 8 – the highest).

Levels reflect the complexity level of acquired knowledge, skills and competences (learning outcomes).

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LQF level

Latvian Qualifications Framework (LQF) has 8 levels (1 – the lowest, 8 – the highest).

Levels reflect the complexity level of acquired knowledge, skills and competences (learning outcomes).

LQF covers stages of education starting from the basic education (level 1 – special basic education) to the highest education (level 8 – doctoral studies).

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Qualification field, stage and type

Thematic field (ISCED 2013)
International Standard Classification of Education (ISCED) developed by UNESCO.

Physical sciences (053)

Detailed field: (ISCED 2013)

Physics (0533)

Stages of Latvian education system included in the LQF:
- basic education
- secondary education
- higher education

Higher education

Qualification type
ITypes of Latvian education:
-General education
-Professional education
-Academic education


Full or partial

Full qualification

Other information

National Education Information System

National Database of Education Opportunities

Historical qualification

Period for issuing qualification: 2013-2019

Last changes: 21.06.2022

Posted: 09.05.2016