Qualifications Framework level

EQF level

European Qualifications Framework (EQF) has 8 levels (1 – the lowest, 8 – the highest).

Levels reflect the complexity level of acquired knowledge, skills and competences (learning outcomes).

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LQF level

Latvian Qualifications Framework (LQF) has 8 levels (1 – the lowest, 8 – the highest).

Levels reflect the complexity level of acquired knowledge, skills and competences (learning outcomes).

LQF covers stages of education starting from the basic education (level 1 – special basic education) to the highest education (level 8 – doctoral studies).

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Level of professional qualification
Latvia has a system of five professional qualifications levels (PQL, 1 – the lowest, 5 – the highest).

PQL system covers only professional qualifications (basic education, secondary and higher education stages).

PQL reflects readiness of a person to perform work of certain stage of complexity and responsibility.


Learning outcomes

Learning outcomes are knowledge, skills and competences acquired during a certain period of learning.

In Latvia, learning outcomes are stipulated by state education standards and occupational standards (for the professional qualifications).

Learning outcomes of higher education are defined by higher education institutions.

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– Able to perform intellectual operations at the level of knowledge, understanding, use and simple analysis.
– Uses knowledge and theoretical understanding in wide-ranging complex activities.
– Able to obtain and evaluate information independently.
– Uses wide-ranging knowledge and skills for the solution of well-formulated, but unknown and unforeseeable problems.
– Has detailed, theoretical knowledge and understanding corresponding to the professional qualification.
– Has wide-ranging skills and proficiency essential for the profession corresponding to the professional qualification.
– Able to perform the work of executor independently, including the planning and supervision of the work to be performed.
– Knows and is able to apply appropriate technologies.
– Able to apply information acquisition and processing technologies in professional activity.
– Latvian language proficiency developed and foreign language(-s) proficiency improved.
– Knows and understands links between historical developments of their county, Latvia, Europe and world.
– Able to apply mathematical knowledge and skills in professional work.
– Able to apply knowledge about the facts and laws of natural sciences in professional activity.
– Able to evaluate the processes occurring in nature and society and comprehend them in their system and development.
– Understands the principle of coherence of ecological space and observes the environmental protection requirements in professional activity.
– Understands the basic principles of market economy.
– Able to find their place in the economic structures of society and able to operate therein.
– Understands the economic relationship between employer and employee and knows the relevant legislation.
– Has a conception of the political structure of the European Union, as well as of the principles of single economic area and the mobility of the labour force.
– Evaluates their abilities adequately.
– Plans activity in compliance with circumstances, possibilities and their abilities.
– Plans time in accordance with task.
– Able to make justified choice and make a decision independently in familiar and less familiar circumstances.
– Able to answer for the quantitative and qualitative result of their professional activities, assumes partial responsibility for the work performed by others.
– Is determined, systematic and rational when working.
– Is careful and accurate.
– Able to assume initiative.

Veterinarian assistant

  • Knowledge

    PROFESSIONAL knowledge:
    At the concept level:
    1. Types contracts, basic principles of their drafting.
    2. Basic principles of selecting medicinal products.
    3. Interaction between the most common classes of medicinal products.
    At the comprehension level:
    1. Normal and pathological anatomy and physiology of animals.
    2. Price formation principles.
    3. Organising of veterinary work.
    4. Sectoral laws and regulations.
    5. Types of reports.
    6. Requirements for the operation of the facilities of a veterinary care establishment.
    7. Signs of emergency medical aid.
    8. Queue formation principles.
    9. Duration of the most common procedures.
    10. Code of veterinary medical ethics.
    11. Law on Veterinary Medicine.
    12. Regulations of the Cabinet of Ministers applicable to the sector.
    13. Requirements of laws and regulations for drawing up and filling in prescriptions.
    14. Procedure for dispensing medicinal products.
    15. Types of medicated feed and their application.
    16. Significance of microelements in ensuring treatment, recovery, and prevention.
    17. Side effects of the most common classes of medicinal products.
    18. Most common active substances of medicinal products.
    19. Laws and regulations applicable to the circulation of medicinal products and their requirements.
    20. Requirements of laws and regulations and annotation instructions on the storage of medicinal products.
    21. Basic principles of ensuring biosafety and sterility in different premises of the establishment.
    22. Types veterinary equipment.
    23. Methods of preparing animals for the implementation of diagnostic and therapeutic procedures.
    24. Specific features of breeds and species.
    25. Signals of animals.
    26. Changes in animal behaviour in stress situations.
    27. Clinical signs of the most common infectious and parasitic diseases.
    28. Animal physiology and its signals.
    29. Insemination methods.
    30. Signs of gestation.
    31. Process of natural birth and signs of difficult birth.
    32. Types of access restriction systems and requirements for their operation.
    33. Ways and options of restricting patient contact.
    At the application level:
    1. Most commonly applied animal procedures and post-procedure care.
    2. Types of communication equipment and its application.
    3. Types of services and their costs.
    4. Instruments and materials of a veterinary care establishment and their application.
    5. Requirements for entering information in databases.
    6. Rights and obligations of a veterinary assistant and a customer.
    7. Abbreviations used in prescriptions.
    8. Classes of medicinal products.
    9. Significance of the physiological condition of an animal in the selection of complementary feed.
    10. Basics of pharmacology.
    11. Structure of an annotation and the used terminology.
    12. Principles of calculating the concentration of the doses of medicinal products.
    13. Requirements for filling in laws and regulations.
    14. Technical requirements for drawing up documents.
    15. Principles of conducting an inventory.
    16. Methods of accounting and registering medicinal products.
    17. Products, facilities, and methods for the disinfection of premises.
    18. Deratisation products and methods.
    19. Methods and equipment for the cleaning and washing of instruments and their use.
    20. Products, facilities, and methods for the disinfection and sterilisation of instruments.
    21. Requirements for the operation of veterinary equipment.
    22. Species-specific fixation and trapping methods.
    23. Animal trapping equipment and its use.
    24. Methods of preparing animals for different manipulations.
    25. Methods of assessing animal behaviour.
    26. Procedure and methods of preparing the surgical field.
    27. Ways, machines, instruments, and equipment to administer medicinal products, and their practical application.
    28. Surgical instruments and equipment.
    29. Course and methods of surgery.
    30. Ways to tend to the wounds.
    31. Types of bandages and dressings, and methods.
    32. Methods of positioning and restraining animals during the diagnostics.
    33. Types of diagnostic examinations and their performance methods.
    34. Special occupational safety requirements for work with veterinary diagnostic equipment within the establishment.
    35. Welfare requirements and hygiene standards.
    36. Feeding of a healthy and ill animal.
    37. Methods of ensuring forced eating, care for ill animals, their physiotherapy, and forced movement.
    38. Methods of caring for the nails of pets and farmed animals.
    39. Requirements for the presentation of animals.
    40. Methods of preparing and using insemination equipment and biological material.
    41. Signs of natural farrowing, as well as signs indicating the need for the intervention of a veterinary.
    42. Hygiene and welfare requirements.
    43. Options for the application of sampling instruments and equipment.
    44. Sampling and examination methods, marking, and procedure for filling in the accompanying documents.
    45. Procedure for the storage of samples.
    46. Methods of assessing pathological tissues in slaughterhouses.
    47. Specific features of the interaction between patient species.
    48. Causes of patient conflicts and options for their settlement.
    49. Requirements for the use of the equipment for the restriction of patient contact.
    50. Specific occupational safety requirements for manipulations on patients showing signs of abnormal behaviour.
    GENERAL knowledge:
    At the concept level:
    1. Diversity of social relations.
    2. Social and political structure of society.
    3. Organising of the labour protection system.
    4. Laws and regulations regarding business activity.
    5. Planning and decision-making principles.
    At the comprehension level:
    1. Vocabulary.
    2. Grammar and language functions.
    3. Types of verbal interaction.
    4. Latvian language styles and characteristics of intonation.
    5. Diversity of Latvian language and communication in different contexts.
    6. Principles of promoting cooperation.
    7. Preconditions for the formation of a team.
    8. Options for settling of conflicts.
    9. Laws and regulations regarding information technologies.
    10. Operating principles of computer and office equipment.
    11. Laws and regulations regarding labour protection, electrical and fire safety, and nature and environmental protection.
    12. Essence of sustainable development.
    13. Working conditions and human health as a precondition for life quality.
    14. Protective fire safety equipment and its application.
    15. Basic principles of ergonomics.
    16. Work environment risk factors and assessment methods.
    17. Need for sorting of waste.
    18. Economic resources and fundamental issues of economics.
    19. Types of commercial activity.
    20. Role of the business plan in the business activity.
    21. Importance of employee motivation and development of talents in increasing the work quality.
    At the application level:
    1. Official language.
    2. Foreign languages.
    3. Intercultural interaction.
    4. Time planning techniques.
    5. Effective interaction and cooperation techniques.
    6. Business communication process.
    7. Application software in conformity with the work task.
    8. Operating principles office equipment.
    9. Information systems security.
    10. Computer security programs.
    11. Preventive measures to remedy work environment risk factors.
    12. Laws and regulations regarding labour protection.
    13. Electrical safety regulations.
    14. Safety signals and signs.
    15. Protective work equipment and techniques for its application.
    16. Requirements for the use of personal and collective protective equipment.
    17. Safe and ergonomic working techniques.
    18. ABC method for provision of first aid.
    19. Action in an emergency.
    20. Correlations between mathematical operations.
    21. Units of measurement and shapes.
    22. Mathematical methods and instruments.
    23. Organising of the work of the company.
    24. Basics of marketing.
    25. Learning strategies.
    26. Self-assessment principles.

  • Skills

    PROFESSIONAL skills:
    1. To receive a customer.
    2. To communicate with a customer remotely.
    3. To collect medical history data.
    4. To provide consultations.
    5. To hand over an animal, advising the customer on further treatment.
    6. To use communication equipment to send the analysis and other information.
    7. To prepare an estimate in accordance with the price list.
    8. To prepare contracts.
    9. To prepare sector-specific reports.
    10. To account the instruments and materials of the veterinary care establishment and their use.
    11. To keep up with the requirements for the operation of facilities and equipment, and the deadlines for inspections and maintenance.
    12. To register the customers in a queue.
    13. To enter and find information in databases.
    14. To have thorough knowledge of laws and regulations applicable to veterinary work.
    15. To apply the information found.
    16. To read prescriptions.
    17. To write a prescription.
    18. To have thorough knowledge of the classes of medicinal products.
    19. To have thorough knowledge of the assortment of medicated feed.
    20. To choose complementary feed according to the physiological condition of animals.
    21. To read the annotation of medicinal products.
    22. To comprehend the interaction and contraindications of medicinal products.
    23. To explain the possible side effects.
    24. To replace medicinal products with an equal active substance.
    25. To explain the restrictions on the use of veterinary medicinal products for food-producing animals.
    26. To calculate the dose and concentration of medicinal products.
    27. To have thorough knowledge of the procedure for filling in the documentation on the circulation of medicinal products.
    28. To fill in documentation in compliance with the laws and regulations in force.
    29. To perform the inventory of the current stock.
    30. To order medicinal products.
    31. To keep track of the conditions for the storage of medicinal products and their expiry dates.
    32. To clean up the workplace at the veterinary care establishment.
    33. To perform the disinfection of the premises.
    34. To ensure preventive measures for the deratisation of the premises.
    35. To clean and wash instruments.
    36. To disinfect and sterilise instruments.
    37. To perform the technical monitoring of equipment.
    38. To prepare equipment for the operation.
    39. To prepare an animal for clinical examination.
    40. To prepare an animal for surgical manipulations.
    41. To prepare an animal for the implementation of procedures.
    42. To prepare an animal for the administration of medicinal products.
    43. To administer medicinal products under the supervision of a veterinary.
    44. To monitor the signals of animals.
    45. To catch stray animals.
    46. To assess the pre-slaughter condition of animals in a slaughterhouse.
    47. To choose the appropriate equipment and instruments for a surgery.
    48. To perform manipulations and tasks, as indicated by a veterinary.
    49. To position an animal to perform a diagnostic examination.
    50. To perform a diagnostic examination.
    51. To comply with safety requirements while working with diagnostic facilities.
    52. To care for healthy animals.
    53. To care for ill animals.
    54. To care for animals during the post-operative period.
    55. To determine the signs of rut.
    56. To organise the mating.
    57. To perform artificial insemination.
    58. To keep track of the course of gestation.
    59. To determine the early signs of birth.
    60. To create an appropriate environment for the birth process.
    61. To keep track of the birth process.
    62. To assess the need for the intervention of a veterinary.
    63. To take a sample for laboratory examination.
    64. To prepare a sample for storage and send it to the laboratory.
    65. To examine samples within the scope of competence.
    66. To prepare a material for veterinary expertise in the slaughterhouse.
    67. To restrict the access to service premises to unauthorised persons.
    68. To settle conflicts between the patients.
    69. To restrict patient contact at the site of manipulations.
    70. To comply with occupational safety requirements for work with patients.
    GENERAL skills:
    1. To communicate in the official language.
    2. To use professional terminology in the official language.
    3. To communicate in foreign languages both orally and in writing.
    4. To use professional terminology in at least two foreign languages.
    5. To cooperate in a team, following the principles of professional ethics and communication.
    6. To cooperate in different environments and situations effectively, while carrying out professional duties.
    7. To think critically and creatively.
    8. To plan own time rationally.
    9. To identify the causes of stress.
    10. To be aware of own responsibility while completing a joint task.
    11. To use computer and office equipment.
    12. To process information purposefully, choosing the most appropriate solution.
    13. To exchange with information responsibly.
    14. To prepare professional documents and organise their flow independently, using application programs.
    15. To find the necessary information in internet resources and data carriers.
    16. To assess the reliability of information critically.
    17. To organise the workplace in compliance with labour protection, electrical and fire safety, and environmental protection requirements.
    18. To assess the impact of work environment risk factors on health.
    19. To comply with labour legislation requirements.
    20. To comply with the internal work procedure regulations of the company.
    21. To apply fire safety, civil protection, and electrical safety regulations while carrying out the duties of a veterinary assistant.
    22. To apply protective fire safety equipment.
    23. To comply with ergonomic requirements in setting up the workplace.
    24. To prepare the workplace for safe performance of work.
    25. To use the ABC method to prevent the most critical conditions and preserve and sustain life.
    26. To provide first aid in occupational accidents.
    27. To apply mathematical calculations in the accounting of materials.
    28. To develop the technical documentation, substantiating the calculations mathematically, if necessary.
    29. To think critically and creatively.
    30. To engage in creation of new ideas personally, promoting the recognition of the company.
    31. To define priorities by providing arguments.
    32. To plan the available resources effectively, within the scope of own competence.
    33. To assess economic risks.
    34. To take decisions on the solution to problems in specific situations.
    35. To evaluate professional experience and options for the development of own career.
    36. To critically evaluate and use the obtained information in the professional activity.
    37. To apply different learning strategies.

  • Competences/ autonomy

    PROFESSIONAL competences:
    1. Ability to ensure communication with the customer upon receiving and transferring the patient to collect medical history data and provide further consultations on further treatment of the patient.
    2. Ability to fill in the required documentation and contracts, having good knowledge of the work organisation in the veterinary care establishment.
    3. Ability to maintain the animal and sector-relevant databases independently.
    4. Ability to comply with the laws and regulations applicable to a veterinary care establishment and apply them.
    5. Ability to have thorough knowledge of the classes of medicinal products, read and comprehend the written prescription, and sell veterinary medicinal products.
    6. Ability to choose medicated and complementary foodstuffs according to the physiological condition of animals, having thorough knowledge of the assortment of the foodstuffs.
    7. Ability to read and explain the annotations of medicinal products, replace medicinal products, and provide consultations on the use of medicinal products, applying the knowledge of the basics of pharmacology.
    8. Ability to fill in the documentation on the circulation of medicinal products, having thorough knowledge of it and the laws and regulations in force.
    9. Ability to monitor the expiry dates of medicinal products, perform inventory, and order medicinal products.
    10. Ability to clean up the premises, perform their disinfection and, if necessary, deratisation, and prepare them for work.
    11. Ability to keep track of the cleanliness of instruments, and perform their cleaning, washing, and disinfection with due care.
    12. Ability to prepare veterinary equipment and keep track of its operation.
    13. Ability to prepare animals for manipulations, taking into account the specific features of animal species and breeds, and changes in animal behaviour.
    14. Ability to choose the appropriate equipment and instruments for a surgery and perform manipulations and tasks, as indicated by a veterinary.
    15. Ability to position an animal to perform a diagnostic examination, perform a diagnostic examination, and comply with safety requirements while working with veterinary facilities.
    16. Ability to care for ill and healthy animals, and care for them during the post-operative period.
    17. Ability to determine the early signs of rut and birth, organise the mating process, perform artificial insemination, keep track of the course of gestation, create an appropriate environment for the birth process, and assess the need for the intervention of a veterinary.
    18. Ability to take, prepare, and store samples for laboratory examinations, as well as examine them and prepare a material for veterinary expertise in the slaughterhouse within the scope of competence.
    19. Ability to ensure overall safety, taking into account the specific features of interaction between the patients and restricting the access to service premises.
    20. Ability to ensure the safety of work environment, restricting contact of patients, and perform manipulations on patients with abnormal behaviour.
    GENERAL competences:
    1. Ability to express and interpret concepts, thoughts, facts, and opinion in the official language both orally and in writing.
    2. Ability to communicate in at least two foreign languages.
    3. Ability to engage in teamwork effectively, following the principles of professional ethics and communication.
    4. Ability to confidently and safely select and use information and communication technologies to complete a professional work task.
    5. Ability to comply with labour rights, work, environmental protection, fire safety, civil protection, and electrical safety regulations in conformity with the requirements of laws and regulations.
    6. Ability to determine the detrimental effect of work environment conditions on health.
    7. Ability to provide first aid and act in an emergency.
    8. Ability to apply mathematical calculations to complete a work task.
    9. Ability to generate new ideas and take reasoned decisions in specific situations within the scope of own professional activity.
    10. Ability to plan and take decisions while making own professional career.

Qualification acquisition requirements

Previous education
Certificate of general basic education
Ways to acquire 
Qualifications can be acquired in the framework of education programs or in the evaluation and recognition of non-formal knowledge, skills and competences acquired (in vocational education LKI Levels 2-4).
Formal (through education programmes)
ECTS credit points 
The unit of the volume of Latvian higher education studies - 1 credit point corresponds to one week of study work in full-time studies (40 credit points per study year).

1 The credit point of Latvia corresponds to 1,5 ECTS (European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System) credit point.
Duration of study 
Duration of qualification in full-time studies
4 years

Qualification document

Awarding body

Vocational basic and secondary education institution

- Smiltene Technical School

General education institution:

- Bebrene General and Vocational Secondary School

Type of awarding bodies:

- Smiltene Technical School


Qualifications Framework level

EQF level

European Qualifications Framework (EQF) has 8 levels (1 – the lowest, 8 – the highest).

Levels reflect the complexity level of acquired knowledge, skills and competences (learning outcomes).

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LQF level

Latvian Qualifications Framework (LQF) has 8 levels (1 – the lowest, 8 – the highest).

Levels reflect the complexity level of acquired knowledge, skills and competences (learning outcomes).

LQF covers stages of education starting from the basic education (level 1 – special basic education) to the highest education (level 8 – doctoral studies).

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Level of professional qualification

Latvia has a system of five professional qualifications levels (PQL, 1 – the lowest, 5 – the highest).

PQL system covers only professional qualifications (basic education, secondary and higher education stages).

PQL reflects readiness of a person to perform work of certain stage of complexity and responsibility.

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Qualification field, stage and type

Thematic field (ISCED 2013)
International Standard Classification of Education (ISCED) developed by UNESCO.

Veterinary (084)

Detailed field: (ISCED 2013)

Veterinary (0841)

Stages of Latvian education system included in the LQF:
- basic education
- secondary education
- higher education

Secondary education

Qualification type
ITypes of Latvian education:
-General education
-Professional education
-Academic education


Full or partial

Full qualification

Other information

National Education Information System

National Database of Education Opportunities

Active qualification

Last changes: 02.04.2024

Posted: 07.05.2016