Qualifications Framework level

EQF level

European Qualifications Framework (EQF) has 8 levels (1 – the lowest, 8 – the highest).

Levels reflect the complexity level of acquired knowledge, skills and competences (learning outcomes).

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LQF level

Latvian Qualifications Framework (LQF) has 8 levels (1 – the lowest, 8 – the highest).

Levels reflect the complexity level of acquired knowledge, skills and competences (learning outcomes).

LQF covers stages of education starting from the basic education (level 1 – special basic education) to the highest education (level 8 – doctoral studies).

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Level of professional qualification
Latvia has a system of five professional qualifications levels (PQL, 1 – the lowest, 5 – the highest).

PQL system covers only professional qualifications (basic education, secondary and higher education stages).

PQL reflects readiness of a person to perform work of certain stage of complexity and responsibility.


Learning outcomes

Learning outcomes are knowledge, skills and competences acquired during a certain period of learning.

In Latvia, learning outcomes are stipulated by state education standards and occupational standards (for the professional qualifications).

Learning outcomes of higher education are defined by higher education institutions.

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– task of the programme is training of lawyers on a broad scale, who are able to carry out vocational activity in state institutions as well as commercial ones.
Basic aims of the programme:
– master basic knowledge in political science, sociology, general and juridical psychology; providing understanding of specialized law subjects;
– master theoretical courses in theory, history and basic law branches (civil law, criminal law, administrative law, civil and criminal legal proceedings, etc.);
– acquire knowledge in basic branches of international law and EEC legislation, in connection with Maritime Law;
– master knowledge necessary for legal activities of enterprise structures and activities;
– to conduct independent research in the field of jurisprudence as chosen and to present the findings in the professional diploma paper meeting all the requirements for the scientific publications i.e. at least 10 full-time weeks or 10 credit points;
– to acquire the practical skills necessary for a lawyer to keep business documentation and to be able to deal with legal documents during the practice period in the first, second and third years of studies lasting for at least 16 weeks and during the pre-graduate practice lasting for at least 10 weeks in the state legal offices or legal departments of private enterprises.


Legal adviser

  • Knowledge

    1. Basic knowledge of:
    1.1. economics;
    1.2. history;
    1.3. political science.
    2. Understanding of:
    2.1. history of law;
    2.2. philosophy of law;
    2.3. environmental law;
    2.4. finance and tax law;
    2.5. professional terminology in the official language and two foreign languages.
    3. Ability to apply knowledge of:
    3.1. theory of law;
    3.2. constitutional rights;
    3.3. administrative law;
    3.4. administrative proceedings;
    3.5. municipal law;
    3.6. civil rights;
    3.7. commercial law;
    3.8. labour law;
    3.9. commercial law;
    3.10. civil proceedings;
    3.11. European Union (Community) law;
    3.12. human rights;
    3.13. professional ethics;
    3.14. applied informatics;
    3.15. communication skills;
    3.16. records management;
    3.17. intellectual property rights;
    3.18. criminal law;
    3.19. criminal proceedings;
    3.20. international law;
    3.21. official language;
    3.22. two languages at the communication level, one of which is a European Union member state language.

  • Skills

    1. To use and apply legal theoretical knowledge and practical skills when working as a Legal Adviser.
    2. To know the official language.
    3. To know two languages at the communication level, one of which is a European Union member state language.
    4. To use professional terminology in the official language and two foreign languages.
    5. To be able to logically formulate the terms of reference and content of work.
    6. To understand and apply the regularities of legal analysis and the system.
    7. To have a good knowledge of Latvian, European (Community) and international legal systems.
    8. To use legal sources and apply laws and regulations.
    9. To understand the institutional system of public administration.
    10. To know the institutional system of the main international organizations and the European Union.
    11. To identify legal problems and facts important to deal with these problems.
    12. To use legal methods to deal with legal problems and conflicts.
    13. To prepare, organize and take legal measures to solve legal problems in the field of substantive and procedural law.
    14. To draw up legal documents.
    15. To be able to present information reports and draft legislation independently or in a work group.
    16. To select and process legal information necessary to fulfil the task through appropriate legal research methods and information technologies.
    17. To be able to adapt to the requirements of a lawyer’s position, regardless of the scope of legal work, and fulfil one’s duties accordingly.
    18. To be able to constantly improve one’s knowledge, acquire new information and skills.
    19. To organize, plan and supervise subordinates (officials).
    20. To perform work independently or collectively, together with representatives of other professions.
    21. To be able to determine work priorities.
    22. To adopt decisions and show initiative.
    23. To respect the rules of professional ethics and generally accepted moral norms.
    24. To use software and other information technology.
    25. To have a good understanding of political, social and cultural issues in the country, region, the European Union (Community) and the world.

  • Competences/ autonomy

    1. Ability to have a good knowledge of Latvian, European (Community) and international legal systems.
    2. Ability to independently use legal sources.
    3. Ability to constantly keep track of changes in the policy documents and legislation.
    4. Ability to follow the case-law and legal literature.
    5. Ability to have a good knowledge of legal methods.
    6. Ability to use the most appropriate legal method to solve a problem.
    7. Ability to provide advice on legal matters.
    8. Ability to represent state and municipal bodies, as well as natural persons in solving of legal matters.
    9. Ability to draw up legal documents.
    10. Ability to present information reports and draft legislation.
    11. Ability to explain legal opinions.
    12. Ability to study legal information.
    13. Ability to select necessary legal information.
    14. Ability to systematise legal information obtained, use it in the preparation, rendering and execution of legal decisions.
    15. Ability to conduct professional and/or scientific research in accordance with the professional and occupational nature.
    16. Ability to constantly build skills in using the latest information technology.
    17. Ability to communicate in the official language and two foreign languages.

Qualification acquisition requirements

Previous education
Certificate of general secondary education or Diploma of vocational secondary education
Ways to acquire 
Qualifications can be acquired in the framework of education programs or in the evaluation and recognition of non-formal knowledge, skills and competences acquired (in vocational education LKI Levels 2-4).
Formal (through education programmes)
ECTS credit points 
The unit of the volume of Latvian higher education studies - 1 credit point corresponds to one week of study work in full-time studies (40 credit points per study year).

1 The credit point of Latvia corresponds to 1,5 ECTS (European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System) credit point.
Duration of study 
Duration of qualification in full-time studies
4 years

Qualification document

Awarding body

Higher education institution:

- Baltic International Academy, Ltd


Qualifications Framework level

EQF level

European Qualifications Framework (EQF) has 8 levels (1 – the lowest, 8 – the highest).

Levels reflect the complexity level of acquired knowledge, skills and competences (learning outcomes).

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LQF level

Latvian Qualifications Framework (LQF) has 8 levels (1 – the lowest, 8 – the highest).

Levels reflect the complexity level of acquired knowledge, skills and competences (learning outcomes).

LQF covers stages of education starting from the basic education (level 1 – special basic education) to the highest education (level 8 – doctoral studies).

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Level of professional qualification

Latvia has a system of five professional qualifications levels (PQL, 1 – the lowest, 5 – the highest).

PQL system covers only professional qualifications (basic education, secondary and higher education stages).

PQL reflects readiness of a person to perform work of certain stage of complexity and responsibility.

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Qualification field, stage and type

Thematic field (ISCED 2013)
International Standard Classification of Education (ISCED) developed by UNESCO.

Law (042)

Detailed field: (ISCED 2013)

Law (0421)

Stages of Latvian education system included in the LQF:
- basic education
- secondary education
- higher education

Higher education

Qualification type
ITypes of Latvian education:
-General education
-Professional education
-Academic education


Full or partial

Full qualification

Other information

National Education Information System

National Database of Education Opportunities

Active qualification

Period for issuing qualification: 2013-2021

Last changes: 03.09.2021

Posted: 07.05.2016