Qualifications Framework level

EQF level

European Qualifications Framework (EQF) has 8 levels (1 – the lowest, 8 – the highest).

Levels reflect the complexity level of acquired knowledge, skills and competences (learning outcomes).

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LQF level

Latvian Qualifications Framework (LQF) has 8 levels (1 – the lowest, 8 – the highest).

Levels reflect the complexity level of acquired knowledge, skills and competences (learning outcomes).

LQF covers stages of education starting from the basic education (level 1 – special basic education) to the highest education (level 8 – doctoral studies).

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Level of professional qualification
Latvia has a system of five professional qualifications levels (PQL, 1 – the lowest, 5 – the highest).

PQL system covers only professional qualifications (basic education, secondary and higher education stages).

PQL reflects readiness of a person to perform work of certain stage of complexity and responsibility.


Learning outcomes

Learning outcomes are knowledge, skills and competences acquired during a certain period of learning.

In Latvia, learning outcomes are stipulated by state education standards and occupational standards (for the professional qualifications).

Learning outcomes of higher education are defined by higher education institutions.

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Learning outcomes are formulated in accordance with the relevant occupational standard and the strategic objectives of educational programmes outlined in the state standard of first level professional higher education. For more information, see the Cabinet of Ministers Regulations No. 141 “Regulations on the state standard of first level professional higher education” (adopted on 20.03.2001):  Read standard. Occupational standards:  Occupational standards register

Labour protection specialist

  • Knowledge

    Professional knowledge
    At the concept level:
    1. Technological processes of work equipment.
    2. Measurement procedure standards.
    3. Demonstration of safe work techniques.
    4. Basic principles of State mandatory social insurance.
    At the comprehension level:
    1. Regulatory documents of the company.
    2. Operating environment of the company.
    3. Operating environment and specificity of the company.
    4. Document management.
    5. Argumentation techniques.
    6. Specificity of the processes in national economy sectors.
    7. Principles of using NACE Rev. 2 – Statistical Classification of Economic Activities.
    8. Professions and technological processes at the company.
    9. Planning of processes.
    10. Analysis of technical documentation.
    11. Classification of work environment risk factors.
    12. Measurement units and limit values of work environment risk factors.
    13. Instruments for laboratory measurements of work environment factors.
    14. Basic principles of performing indicative and laboratory measurements.
    15. Optimal parameters and standards of individual labour protection equipment.
    16. Service market information.
    17. Principles of developing a plan for labour protection measures.
    18. Documentation of the technological processes of the company.
    19. Structure of the company.
    20. Argumentation of an opinion.
    21. Classification and description of high-risk work equipment.
    22. Measures of the labour protection plan.
    23. Classification of briefings. Frequency of briefings.
    24. Communication culture.
    25. Intercultural communication.
    26. Field of operation of the company.
    27. Resources involved in the technological process of the company.
    28. Company development planning documents.
    29. Professional literature on work equipment.
    30. Examples of good practice.
    31. Classification of accidents.
    32. Factors causing occupational diseases and consequences.
    33. Procedure for investigating the cases of occupational diseases.
    34. Types of procedures for investigating the cases of accidents.
    35. Procedure for investigating the cases of occupational diseases.
    36. Documentation of the internal monitoring of the work environment.
    37. Work environment description.
    38. Causes of the recorded accidents and occupational diseases.
    39. Examples of good practice for reducing the number of accidents and preventing occupational diseases.
    At the application level:
    1. Laws and regulations in the field of labour protection.
    2. Principles of developing a labour protection system.
    3. Work organisation.
    4. Types of communication.
    5. Establishment of a dialogue and co-operation.
    6. Planning of the organisation of the company’s work.
    7. Structure of internal monitoring of the work environment.
    8. Strategic planning and management.
    9. Organisation of a labour protection system at the company.
    10. Analysis and selection of data.
    11. Application of the laws and regulations on labour protection.
    12. Principles of developing and drawing up documents.
    13. Document management in a company.
    14. Methods of assessing work environment risks.
    15. Laws and regulations on the internal monitoring of the work environment.
    16. Use of equipment to measure the work environment factors.
    17. Basic principles of mathematical calculations.
    18. Processing, analysis, and interpretation of data.
    19. Development and management of documents for the assessment of work environment risks.
    20. Ranking of work environment risks.
    21. Instruments for indicative measurements of work environment factors.
    22. Criteria for the selection of laboratories.
    23. Use of instruments to measure the work environment parameters.
    24. Interpretation of the data of indicative and laboratory measurements.
    25. Analysis of the measurements of indicators.
    26. Types of collective and individual labour protection equipment. Identification of individual protective equipment according to the risk factors of the work environment.
    27. Documentation of the circulation of individual protective equipment.
    28. Harmful work environment factors and special working conditions.
    29. Intervals of mandatory medical examinations.
    30. Management of documents of mandatory medical examinations.
    31. Integration of the results of mandatory medical examinations into the labour protection system.
    32. Planning of works.
    33. Preparation of documents for planning labour protection measures.
    34. Reading of the technical documentation of high-risk work equipment.
    35. Organisation of the inspection of high-risk work equipment.
    36. Organisation of the training of high-risk work equipment users.
    37. Planning of the internal monitoring of the work environment.
    38. Assessment of work environment risks and analysis of the results.
    39. Efficiency of a labour protection measure.
    40. Structure and content of labour protection instructions.
    41. Use of digital resources to search for professional content.
    42. Establishment of communication and co-operation.
    43. Procedures for managing documents at the company.
    44. Development of labour protection instructions.
    45. Establishment of communication and co-operation.
    46. Content of labour protection instructions.
    47. Public speaking.
    48. Specificity of the work of persons who require briefing. Types and description of employee training.
    49. Co-operation with service providers on labour protection matters. Content of topics for labour protection training and its development.
    50. Outline of the content of labour protection training.
    51. Tools for creating digital content
    52. (presentation, photo, video, etc.).
    53. Formation of a trainee group.
    54. Principles of using sites containing laws and regulations.
    55. Rules for the organisation of document management.
    56. Communication and circulation of information at the company.
    57. Current developments in the field of labour protection.
    58. Sources of labour protection literature.
    59. Establishment of a dialogue.
    60. Finding, development, and demonstration of information on digital visual aids.
    61. Document management. Exchange of information.
    62. Social insurance system.
    63. Assessment of the circumstances of an occupational accident.
    64. Preparation and recording of a report on accident.
    65. Calculations of losses caused by an occupational accident.
    66. Criteria for occupational hygiene.
    67. Use of sites containing statistical data on occupational accidents and occupational diseases.
    68. Rules of business etiquette and business communication.
    General knowledge
    At the concept level:
    1. Civil defence system. Regulatory documents regulating civil defence, their requirements.
    2. Regulatory framework for an emergency situation and a state of emergency.
    3. Instructions for computer systems.
    4. Security of information and communication systems.
    At the comprehension level:
    1. Preventive measures for reducing and preventing work environment risks.
    2. Labour protection system in the company.
    3. Procedures for the provision of first aid.
    4. Fire safety and electrical safety requirements.
    5. Fire safety and fire-fighting engineering systems and equipment, their use.
    6. Response of the personnel to emergency situations.
    7. Criteria for sustainable development. Basic principles of rational and sustainable utilisation of resources.
    8. Sustainable development strategy.
    9. United Nations (UN) Sustainable Development Goals.
    10. Sustainable development strategy of Latvia.
    11. Protection of data of natural persons.
    12. Digital environment, risks and threats in the digital environment.
    13. Provisions laid down in the Constitution of the Republic of Latvia in the context of law-governed and civil society.
    14. Concept and significance of social dialogue.
    15. Problem resolution strategies and approaches.
    16. Principles of motivation.
    17. Nature of the concept of cultural diversity.
    18. Specificity of verbal and non-verbal communication in a multicultural environment.
    19. Mathematical methods and tools.
    20. Statistical data processing methods.
    21. Mathematical terminology. Research methods.
    22. Self-assessment mechanisms.
    At the application level:
    1. Principles of assessing work environment risks.
    2. Safety signs to be used at workplaces.
    3. General requirements for action in emergency situations, including fire, occupational accidents, and emergencies.
    4. Labour protection requirements at the workplace.
    5. Laws and regulations and standards in the field of labour protection.
    6. Principles of developing internal regulatory documents.
    7. Fire safety and fire-fighting engineering systems and equipment, their use.
    8. Response of the personnel to emergency situations.
    9. Laws and regulations on the environmental protection.
    10. Principles of ‘green thinking’. Strategic principles of sustainable development.
    11. Software in conformity with the work task.
    12. Digital tools and technologies.
    13. Means of digital communication.
    14. Various information technology tools to promote collaboration.
    15. Information data security.
    16. Personal data protection.
    17. General and professional ethics.
    18. Argumentation skills.
    19. Employment relationship, obligations, and responsibility.
    20. Basics of creating presentations and ways of presenting information.
    21. Extensive and appropriate vocabulary. Professional terminology in the official language.
    22. Functional grammar.
    23. Business writing.
    24. Oral and written language culture.
    25. Art of effective presentation management.
    26. Critical thinking and creation of a constructive dialogue.
    27. Professional terminology in foreign languages.
    28. Functional grammar.
    29. Principles of intercultural communication in a multicultural environment.
    30. Units and formulas of characteristics.
    31. Graphical visualisation methods.
    32. Planning of professional career development.
    33. Current developments in the field of labour protection.
    34. Interpretation of laws and regulations.

  • Skills

    Professional skills and attitudes
    1. To become familiar with the field of operation, work environment, and typical working conditions at the company.
    2. To evaluate the organisational structure of labour protection at the company.
    3. To become familiar with the company’s internal regulatory enactments and labour protection requirements for a specific field of operation of the company.
    4. To create a labour protection system based on a specific structure or sample by involving specialists.
    5. To describe the duties in the field of labour protection in accordance with the company’s structure and type of operation.
    6. To co-ordinate possible duties in the field of labour protection with the managers of the company’s structural units.
    7. To plan the measures to be implemented in the performance of labour protection duties.
    8. To inform the managers of structural units about the scope of duties in conformity with the internal requirements.
    9. To encourage the managers of structural units to participate in the operation of the labour protection system.
    10. To provide support and co-operate with the managers of structural units in the performance of duties.
    11. To determine the sequence of measures for the internal monitoring of the work environment.
    12. To develop a schedule for planning measures for the internal monitoring of the work environment.
    13. To co-ordinate the measures for the internal monitoring of the work environment with the employer.
    14. To co-ordinate the measures for the internal monitoring of the work environment with the managers of structural units.
    15. To carry out the internal monitoring of the work environment in co-operation with the employer, employees, or their representatives.
    16. To prepare and provide the employer with information on the current situation in the field of labour protection.
    17. To consult with the supervisory authorities on the organisation of the labour protection system.
    18. To evaluate the operation of the company in conformity with NACE Rev. 2 – Statistical Classification of Economic Activities.
    19. To determine the binding labour protection requirements in the field of operation of the company.
    20. To perform the assessment of the compliance of the company with the requirements of laws and regulations.
    21. To determine the required amount of documents at the company.
    22. To apply the specified document management criteria and conditions for the development of documentation.
    23. To develop documentation in conformity with the requirements of the company.
    24. To co-ordinate the documentation in conformity with the document management requirements.
    25. To analyse the methods of assessing work environment risks.
    26. To apply the most appropriate method of assessing work environment risks.
    27. To consult with the direct supervisor and industry specialist on the most appropriate method of assessing work environment risks.
    28. To identify the persons to be involved in the assessment of work environment risks.
    29. To engage the necessary persons in the assessment of work environment risks.
    30. To prepare the required tools and equipment for the assessment of work environment risks.
    31. To inspect the work environment.
    32. To identify the work environment risk factors.
    33. To consider the need for indicative measurements of work environmental risk factors.
    34. To perform indicative measurements of work environmental risk factors.
    35. To perform the assessment of work environment risks.
    36. To summarise the results of the assessment of work environment risks in conformity with the internal procedure of the company.
    37. To document the workplace inspection results in conformity with the laws and regulations.
    38. To organise the storage of the previous results of work environmental risk assessment.
    39. To analyse the results of the measurements of work environment risk factors.
    40. To determine and calculate the degree of work environment risks.
    41. To ascertain and analyse the available accredited laboratory measurement service providers and their relevance to a specific work environment risk factor.
    42. To ascertain and analyse the supply of the available measuring devices and their relevance to a specific work environment risk factor.
    43. To co-ordinate the scope of work (measurements) with the company’s management.
    44. To update the indicative measurements of the real value of the work environment factors.
    45. To plan the indicative or laboratory measurements of the work environment.
    46. To perform the indicative or laboratory measurements of the work environment.
    47. To document the results of the indicative measurements of the work environment.
    48. To include the laboratory measurements of the work environment in the labour protection documentation.
    49. To assess the conformity of the collective and individual labour protection equipment present at the company with the requirements.
    50. To define the necessary and appropriate labour protection equipment.
    51. To identify the inappropriate labour protection equipment.
    52. To define the parameters of labour protection equipment in conformity with the assessment of work environment risks.
    53. To consult with the employees by selecting individual labour protection equipment according to the work environment risks.
    54. To identify the supply of individual and collective labour protection equipment of various service providers.
    55. To organise the circulation of individual labour protection equipment.
    56. To document the distribution and accounting of individual labour protection equipment.
    57. To identify the groups of employees exposed to risks.
    58. To identify the harmful work environment factors affecting the health of employees.
    59. To identify special conditions to which the employees are exposed.
    60. To identify the providers of mandatory medical examination services.
    61. To organise the mandatory medical examinations at the company.
    62. To analyse the reports on the mandatory medical examinations.
    63. To establish measures to be taken and co-ordinate them with the employer in conformity with the report on the mandatory medical examination.
    64. To implement measures to maintain the health of the employee in conformity with the report on the mandatory medical examination.
    65. To establish general, specific, and preventive labour protection measures.
    66. To appoint persons in charge of the compliance with the checkpoints and deadlines of the plan for labour protection measures.
    67. To co-ordinate the plan for labour protection measures with the company’s management and responsible persons.
    68. To describe the criteria for high-risk work equipment.
    69. To determine the hazard class of work equipment.
    70. To make a list of high-risk work equipment.
    71. To determine the procedures for the use and maintenance of high-risk work equipment.
    72. To organise and verify the company’s records on the use and maintenance of high-risk work equipment.
    73. To determine the need to train users on the use of high-risk work equipment.
    74. To verify the labour protection measures implemented at the workplace.
    75. To take the necessary corrective measures during the labour protection processes.
    76. To control the execution and deadlines of the plan for labour protection measures.
    77. To assess the efficiency of the implemented labour protection measure.
    78. To define the types of labour protection instructions required at the company.
    79. To prepare the relevant information for the content of labour protection instructions.
    80. To evaluate the possibilities of using the prepared information.
    81. To develop labour protection instructions in conformity with the requirements of laws and regulations.
    82. To co-ordinate the labour protection instructions with the company’s management.
    83. To approve the labour protection instructions in conformity with the document management requirements at the company.
    84. To classify the types of briefing in the field of labour protection and observe their intervals.
    85. To select the appropriate introductory training and briefing topics.
    86. To manage the briefing of employees.
    87. To make sure the employees are aware of the briefing.
    88. To document the introductory training and briefing of employees in conformity with the requirements of laws and regulations.
    89. To evaluate and analyse the types and intervals of thematic training.
    90. To evaluate and analyse the available external service providers and offer, including the financial offer.
    91. To co-ordinate the scope of services with the company’s management.
    92. To select the appropriate type of thematic training (employee’s qualification,
    93. specificity of work equipment, etc.).
    94. To plan the thematic training of employees.
    95. To ensure/ manage the thematic training of employees.
    96. To document the thematic training of employees in conformity with the requirements of laws and regulations.
    97. To identify employees within the structural unit of the company who require training on labour protection.
    98. To co-ordinate the content of training and other relevant matters with the managers of the company’s structural units.
    99. To organise and manage the training of the responsible persons of the company.
    100. To constantly and independently keep up with the changes in the laws and regulations in the field of labour protection.
    101. To inspect the work environment on a regular basis.
    102. To assess the relevance of labour protection instructions to the actual situation.
    103. To analyse labour protection instructions in the context of various circumstances.
    104. To co-ordinate the new version of labour protection instructions with the company’s management.
    105. To approve the new version of labour protection instructions in conformity with the document management requirements at the company.
    106. To make sure the employees become familiar with the updated labour protection instructions.
    107. To keep up with the current developments in the field of labour protection.
    108. To identify the needs of employees and the employer in matters concerning labour protection.
    109. To organise consultations with the employees in matters concerning labour protection.
    110. To co-ordinate the exchange of information with the involved parties.
    111. To inform the employees and the employer about the current developments in the field of labour protection.
    112. To describe the types of occupational accidents.
    113. To integrate the information on the procedure for investigating occupational accidents into the internal documents of the company.
    114. To explain the procedure for investigating occupational accidents.
    115. To report occupational accidents to the State Mandatory Social Insurance System.
    116. To explain the significance of mandatory medical examinations to the employees.
    117. To explain the factors causing occupational diseases.
    118. To explain the procedure for investigating the cases of occupational diseases.
    119. To report occupational diseases to the State Mandatory Social Insurance System.
    120. To analyse the initial information on an occupational accident.
    121. To record the circumstances of the occupational accident.
    122. To inform the company’s management and supervisory authorities about the occurred accident.
    123. To ensure the investigation of an occupational accident according to the consequences.
    124. To document the results of the investigating occupational accidents.
    125. To calculate the losses caused by an occupational accident for the employer.
    126. To participate in the inspection of the work environment which involves the preparation of a description of hygiene measures at the workplace.
    127. To summarise specific information on the work environment conditions.
    128. To provide information and documents with the description of hygiene measures at the workplace upon request.
    129. To be familiar with the statistics of accidents and occupational diseases in national economy sectors.
    130. To consider the need for repeated risk assessment or assess the risks repeatedly.
    131. To anticipate and organise preventive measures for the prevention of causes of accidents and occupational diseases.
    132. To maintain constant communication with the employees and employers on accidents and occupational diseases.
    General skills and attitudes
    1. To comply with the requirements
    2. of external regulatory enactments and standards for labour protection.
    3. To keep up with the changes
    4. in the laws and regulations, standards, and other related documents on labour protection.
    5. To put forward proposals for updating the company’s internal regulatory documents on labour protection.
    6. To apply the labour protection requirements when completing a work task.
    7. To organise the workplace in conformity with the labour protection requirements, thus preventing accidents and occupational diseases.
    8. To implement measures to provide first aid.
    9. To use fire-fighting equipment according to the situation.
    10. To comply with fire safety instruction and act according to the situation in the event of fire.
    11. To comply with the civil defence plans in an emergency situation.
    12. Ability to act during an emergency situation and a state of emergency in conformity with the national regulations.
    13. To use environmentally friendly work methods.
    14. To use the resources rationally.
    15. To act in conformity with the principles of ‘green thinking’ and sustainable development in both everyday activities and professional activity.
    16. To be aware of own responsibility in achieving sustainable development goals.
    17. To participate in the assessment of the environmental impact of the company.
    18. To skilfully process the information, data, and content in the digital environment.
    19. To apply various communication strategies in the digital environment to promote co-operation with the colleagues.
    20. To assess the credibility of various information resources and data and their relevance for the work task.
    21. To store the data in a structured manner in accordance with certain principles.
    22. To share data by using various information technology tools.
    23. To comply with the requirements for information data security and personal data protection.
    24. To apply the basic principles of general and professional ethics in carrying out work duties in co-operation with the colleagues and collaboration partners.
    25. To work in a team to improve the results.
    26. To resolve non-standard work situations.
    27. To observe the organisational structure established in the company.
    28. To participate in/ initiate the development of socially responsible initiatives.
    29. To compare the collaboration and dialogue opportunities of social partners (employers and trade unions).
    30. To observe the norms of employment relationship.
    31. To comply with the internal work procedure rules of the company.
    32. To compare the collaboration and dialogue opportunities of social partners (employers and trade unions).
    33. To participate in the generation of new ideas by providing proposals for the improvement of the work environment.
    34. To evaluate the achieved goals by assessing own and the team’s contribution to work.
    35. To use feedback to set new goals for one’s own and team’s work.
    36. To communicate orally and in writing and to clarify the opinion in a well-argued manner when solving work tasks in various professional situations and environments.
    37. To use appropriate industry-specific professional vocabulary in Latvian.
    38. To justify own opinion in the official language by outlining the advantages and disadvantages of various options.
    39. To summarise information (arguments and opinions) from various oral and written sources.
    40. To present work results in both the professional environment and society.
    41. To engage in discussions on professional issues.
    42. To use foreign languages in oral and written communication in various professional situations and environments.
    43. To use extensive professional vocabulary in professional communication.
    44. To adhere to the principles of intercultural communication in a multicultural environment.
    45. To improve the foreign language skills independently.
    46. To manipulate numbers, graphical and statistical data and information, algebraic expressions and equations, and geometric images.
    47. To analyse the functional correlations between mathematical quantities.
    48. To schematise the necessary elements for mathematical interpretation.
    49. To elaborate mathematical diagrams, images, and constructions in everyday work.
    50. To apply mathematical facts, laws, algorithms, and structures to solutions in the field of labour protection.
    51. To assess own professional experience.
    52. To evaluate career opportunities.
    53. To purposefully plan the development of professional competences.
    54. To systematically acquire new knowledge and experience.
    55. To use the acquired knowledge in practice.

  • Competences/ autonomy

    Professional competences
    1. Ability to develop a labour protection system at the company.
    2. Ability to co-operate with the managers of the company’s structural units in the field of labour protection.
    3. Ability to plan the internal monitoring of work environment.
    4. Ability to organise the operation of a labour protection system at the company.
    5. Ability to identify the binding laws and regulations according to the field of operation of the company.
    6. Ability to develop internal regulatory enactments in the field of labour protection relevant to the company.
    7. Ability to select the most appropriate method for assessing work environment risks at the company.
    8. Ability to assess the work environment risks by involving the representatives of employees or trustees.
    9. Ability to document the results of the work environmental risk assessment.
    10. Ability to assess the need for indicative or laboratory measurements of the work environment.
    11. Ability to organise the performance of indicative or laboratory measurements of the work environment.
    12. Ability to determine the necessary individual and collective labour protection equipment for the company.
    13. Ability to identify the employees the health condition of which may be affected by harmful work environment factors or who work in special conditions.
    14. Ability to develop a plan of labour protection measures.
    15. Ability to supervise the use and maintenance of high-risk work equipment.
    16. Ability to verify and improve the internal monitoring of work environment.
    17. Ability to develop labour protection instructions.
    18. Ability to carry out the introductory training and briefing of employees at the workplace.
    19. Ability to carry out the thematic training of employees on labour protection matters.
    20. Ability to carry out the training of the responsible persons of the company on labour protection matters.
    21. Ability to update labour protection instructions in conformity with the changes in laws and regulations, and in the operation of the company.
    22. Ability to consult the employees and the employer in labour protection matters,
    23. Ability to inform the employees about the procedure for investigating accidents.
    24. Ability to inform the employees about the procedure for recognising an occupational disease.
    25. Ability to organise and participate in the investigation of occupational accidents.
    26. Ability to participate in the development of the description of occupational hygiene.
    27. Ability to implement preventive measures to reduce the number of accidents and occupational diseases.
    General competences
    1. Ability to comply with the requirements of laws and regulations, and standards in the operation of the labour protection system.
    2. Ability to organise and observe labour protection, electrical safety, fire safety, and first aid measures.
    3. Ability to perform work tasks while complying with fire safety and civil defence requirements in conformity with the regulatory documents.
    4. Ability to comply with the requirements of the laws and regulations governing environmental protection.
    5. Ability to act in conformity with the principles of ‘green thinking’ and sustainable development by providing support in understanding these issues.
    6. Ability to safely manage the data, information, and content of the digital environment in conformity with the specificity of the professional activity by using various digital tools and technologies, and also observing the norms of data protection.
    7. Ability to engage in and promote social dialogue by assessing the responsibilities, rights, and obligations of the involved parties.
    8. Ability to observe the norms of employment relationship.
    9. Ability to generate proposals in conformity with the company’s operational strategy and to present well-reasoned arguments for ideas of setting new goals.
    10. Ability to communicate freely in the official language orally and in writing by observing the literary language norms and using the professional vocabulary in carrying out work duties, and also to present professional issues in a well-argued manner and discuss them constructively.
    11. Ability to use two foreign languages
    12. at professional level while communicating efficiently in a multicultural environment.
    13. Ability to use mathematical thinking in technical solutions for labour protection.
    14. Ability to assess and purposefully plan the development of professional competences.

Qualification acquisition requirements

Previous education
Certificate of general secondary education or Diploma of vocational secondary education
Ways to acquire 
Qualifications can be acquired in the framework of education programs or in the evaluation and recognition of non-formal knowledge, skills and competences acquired (in vocational education LKI Levels 2-4).
Formal (through education programmes)
ECTS credit points 
The unit of the volume of Latvian higher education studies - 1 credit point corresponds to one week of study work in full-time studies (40 credit points per study year).

1 The credit point of Latvia corresponds to 1,5 ECTS (European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System) credit point.
Duration of study 
Duration of qualification in full-time studies
2-3 years

Qualification document

Awarding body

Higher education institution:


Qualifications Framework level

EQF level

European Qualifications Framework (EQF) has 8 levels (1 – the lowest, 8 – the highest).

Levels reflect the complexity level of acquired knowledge, skills and competences (learning outcomes).

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LQF level

Latvian Qualifications Framework (LQF) has 8 levels (1 – the lowest, 8 – the highest).

Levels reflect the complexity level of acquired knowledge, skills and competences (learning outcomes).

LQF covers stages of education starting from the basic education (level 1 – special basic education) to the highest education (level 8 – doctoral studies).

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Level of professional qualification

Latvia has a system of five professional qualifications levels (PQL, 1 – the lowest, 5 – the highest).

PQL system covers only professional qualifications (basic education, secondary and higher education stages).

PQL reflects readiness of a person to perform work of certain stage of complexity and responsibility.

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Qualification field, stage and type

Thematic field (ISCED 2013)
International Standard Classification of Education (ISCED) developed by UNESCO.

Security services (103)

Detailed field: (ISCED 2013)

Occupational health and safety (1022)

Stages of Latvian education system included in the LQF:
- basic education
- secondary education
- higher education

Higher education

Qualification type
ITypes of Latvian education:
-General education
-Professional education
-Academic education


Full or partial

Full qualification

Other information

National Education Information System

Active qualification

Period for issuing qualification: 2013-2024

Last changes: 07.12.2023

Posted: 17.10.2017